Now we see by this that thoughts
are thought forms, and thought forms are electrical impulses. A note on a
violin string is composed of a certain number of vibrations and the difference
between one note and another is a difference in vibrations.

The difference between one color
and another is a difference in the rate of vibrations. And the difference
between the sensation of a substance that is hard and a substance that is soft
is a difference in the rate of vibrations started at our fingertips and
transmuted to our brain control board.
Therefore, at the human brain
centers the nerves of our body are constantly impressing and registering
impulses of various rates of vibrations, which in turn produce thought forms.
As I write this article, my eyes
wander about my room, and I am receiving numerous impressions by sight, all of
them being transmitted by vibrations to the brain centers, where they are
translated into thought forms of pictures.
I hear my own voice speaking, and
my laptop writing my words. The words which I speak are transmitted, by
vibrations of an electrical nature, through space to the nerves attached to the
drums of her ears, and there through the impulses received on the eardrum send
forth vibrations again along the nervous system to the centers of her brain,
where such vibrations register themselves and create thought forms which become
The same is true of tasting and
smelling. During our waking consciousness as we move about, seeing, hearing,
smelling, tasting and feeling, we are probably having thousands of impressions
transmitted to our brain every second, and these are rapidly translated into
thought forms and realized as such by the translating process of our
I am passing over the other
phenomena of the nervous system that deal with the transmission of impulses
from the brain centers to various parts of the body, as for instance, when one
are writing, the brain sends out vibrations along the nerves to the hand and
the fingers, which cause pulsations of muscles to retract and expand and
thereby move the hand and fingers in the process of writing.
The same is true in the process
of walking, breathing, eating, and doing any of the hundreds of things which
result from the operation of nerve energy upon the muscles of the human body.
Going back again, however, to the
thought forms produced in the human mind by the radiations of the electrical
impulses there, we should understand one additional manifestation of these
thought forms or impulses which general science does not take into
consideration, because it is outside of its fields of experimentation and
The mystic contends and
demonstrates, through various applications of natural law, that every time an
electrical or vibratory impulse at the brain centers causes a thought form to
be created, the impact upon the consciousness of that thought form and the
directing to it of the higher vibrations of consciousness, cause that thought
form to radiate vibrations of itself outwardly into space.
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