
Showing posts with the label temperature


         A hot spring which at regular and irregular intervals thrown a jet of hot water and stream into the air; sometimes the jet rises to a heights of 100 to 200 feet. It occurs in a volcanic region.          From the mouth of the geyser, a tube penetrates deeply into the earth, and fills with water, which percolates through from the surface. The water near the base of this tube is considerably heated by hot lava, but the tube is long and narrow that convection cannot take place freely; the temperature of the water down below thus continues to rise, the boiling point of the water is relatively cool.      At the same time, the boiling point of the water at the base of the tube is raised by pressure, and the temperature has to reach well above 100 degrees centigrade before steam is formed. When this does take place, the water above is forced upwards and flows away. The sudden...


         The sun; a giant, glowing ball of gas some 850,000 miles in diameter . The temperature at its surface is over 11,000 F ., hot enough to vaporize any material known to man. Deep within the sun, the temperature rises to over twenty million degrees, a heat we cannot begin to imagine or comprehend.             The sun dominates our solar system, containing more than 99% of the system’s matter. The sun is a thousand times as massive as Jupiter, the largest planet, and 335 , 000 times as massive as the earth. And if the sun were hollow, 1,300,000 earths could be fitted inside!            In short, the sun is immense; it is the unquestioned center of the solar system.            And yet, when compared with other stars, the sun is nothing more than average. There are stars a do...