
Showing posts with the label bible


            Many of the archaeological discoveries, made in recent years by those who have been digging in the ruins of Biblical cities, are records plainer than if written in a book. These records coincide exactly with biblical narratives. Piece by piece the Old Testament is being confirmed, supplemented and illustrated. Even those things which seemed most like a MYTH are being shown to have been factual.           Narratives that are susceptible to proof are being proved. Does not that enhance the trustworthiness of the Bible as a whole? And make it easier for us to rely on all that the Bible says? Even its wondrous promises, both for this life, and that to come.            The most important single statement in the Bible is that CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. This is the thing for which the whole Bible was written, apart from wh...


           They were usually wrought by the act of Jesus’ will, or by his word; sometimes by his touch, or the laying on of his hands. Occasionally he used saliva.            Jesus’ miracles imply an exercise of creative power. They accord with his miraculous origin, sinless nature, and moral perfection. They were a part of God’s way of authenticating Jesus’ mission. Jesus said that if he had not done works that no other ever did, they would not have had sin, thus indicating that he regarded his miracles as proofs that he was from God. Then, too, his miracles were the natural expression of his sympathy for suffering humanity.            Aside from supernatural manifestations, such as the angelic announcements , the virgin birth, the star that guided the wise-men, Jesus passing through hostile mobs, cleansing the temple, his tra...


             Matthew says Gadarenes. Mark and Luke say Gergesa is identified with the ruins now called Kerza [Kersa, Gergesa], Gadara is thought to have been further south, near the southeast corner of the sea, a large city that give its name to the surrounding country. Gerasa was the particular village near which the incident happened. It is about five miles from the Jordan entrance. Just south of it is the only place where the steep hills come close to the water.          Matthew says there are two demoniacs. Luke and Mark mention only one, probably because he was the more notable, and more violent, of the two, and spokesman. A dangerous, wild lunatic, of immense muscular strength, dwelling naked among the tombs and in the desert, mutilating himself, and screaming in pain.          There were many demons, legion, in the two, probably m...


               The age-old Hebrew and Christian tradition is that Moses, guided by the spirit of God, composed Genesis out of ancient documents existent in his day. The book closes something like 300 years before the days of Moses. Moses could have gotten this information only by direct revelation from God, or through such historical records as had been handed down from his forefathers.                  Opening with the creation hymn there are then ten books of Generations which constitute the framework of Genesis. It seems that they were either incorporated bodily by Moses, with such additions and explanations as he may have been guided of God to make; or they were composed by him, under God’s guidance, out of other historical records to which he may have had access.           ...


    Andrew Jackson:   That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic rests. So great is my veneration for the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of the society. I have for many years made it a practice to read through the Bible once every year.    Robert. E. Lee: in all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.    Lord Tennyson: Bible reading is an education in itself.    Horace Greeley: It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the ground-work of human freedom.    John Quincy Adams: So great is my veneration for the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectab...