
Showing posts with the label when your body is short of breath


                                       WHY DO I FAINT?                       The doctor wanted to check the pressure in my eyes, a procedure that required him to touch my eyeball with an instrument. I knew what was going to happen. It always does. It is the same when a nurse uses a needle to extract blood. Sometimes just talking about injuries has the same effect. –I faint. According to a British report some 3 percent of us often faint when we are in one of the aforementioned specific situations. If you are a fellow sufferer, you may have tried in vain to stop yourself from fainting. You might have tried walking to the bathroom to avoid fainting in public. But that is not a good idea. You might faint suddenly on the way and injure yourself. After experiencing this reaction so many times. I decided to find out what causes it. After talking to a handful of doctor and checking a few books. I found that such episode is called a VASOVAGAL reaction. “Vasovagal” refers