
Showing posts with the label growing tomatoes


What would I do without tomatoes! Exclaims the Italian housewife. This is a sentiment shared by countless other cooks around the world. Indeed, the tomato features in recipes of many cultures. Homes gardeners grow it more than any other food. But is it a fruit or a vegetable? Botanically the tomato is a fruit because it is a berry containing seeds. However, most people think of it as a vegetable, as it is usually eaten with the main course of a meal. This tasty food has a fascinating past. COLORFUL HISTORY In Mexico the Aztecs cultivated the tomato for food. During the early 16th century, returning Spanish conquistadores took it to Spain and, borrowing the Nahuati word tomatl, called it a TOMATE. Soon Spanish enclaves in Italy, North Africa, and the Middle East were enjoying the new delicacy. Later that century the tomato reached northern Europe. At first it was thought to be poisonous and was grown as a decorative garden shru...