
Showing posts with the label fat


                                                                                 A fatty diet can clog your brain as well as your coronary arteries. To understand the effects of a high-fat diet on the brain, researchers in Canada; fed one-month-old rats a diet rich in either animal or vegetable fat until they were four months old.   A control group was fed a low-fat diet. Both groups were then given learning tasks. The results? The rats on the two high-fat diets performed much more poorly than the lean rats. Researcher Gordon Winocur said: high-fat diets impair performance on virtu...


          Does it make any health difference whether you exercise by hiking up or down a steep incline? Researchers say that in some ways it might.   Taking the stairs regularly is a simple and practical means to improving health. Researchers asked 69 sedentary employees to use the stairs at their place of work instead of the elevators. After 12 weeks, the workers aerobic capacity had increased by 8.6 percent, which gave them a 15 percent reduction in all-cause mortality risk. The workers also saw significant improvement in their blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, fat mass, and waist circumference. A study conducted on a mountain in the Alps where for two months 45 volunteers hiked up the 30-degree slope and rode a cable car back down. Then, for two months more, they did the opposite. While hiking in either direction helped lower bad cholesterol, the study suggested that hiking uphill was more effective for lowering levels of f...


                                               One can survive for several weeks without food but only about five days without water! Up to three quarters of our body weight is water. For example, the brain is 75 to 85 percent water, and the muscles are 70 percent water. Among other things, water helps us to digest and absorb food, carrying nutrients to the cells. It removes toxins and other waste, lubricates joints and the colon, and regulates body temperature. But did you know that drinking enough water is also a factor in weight loss?                                      ...