
Showing posts with the label melanin


                                       While albinism is most perceptible among dark-skinned people, it is found among all nations, races, and peoples. It is estimated that albinism affects 1 out of every 20,000 persons. The defective genes for albinism can be passed on for generations without any of its telltale signs being manifest. Many attribute the word “albinism” to 17 th century Portuguese explorers. As they sailed along the West Africa coast, they sighted both black-skinned and white-skinned people. Assuming these represented two different races, they called the black Negroes and the white albinos –Portuguese for “black” and “white” respectively. For most light-skinned people, mild exposure to the sun results in a tan when a pigment called MELANIN is produced to protect the...


                                                         The sun is the greatest source of energy you can think of and it can also be a source of great concern to the health of an individual. It is also a vital ingredient in beauty tips.               Cancer is overwhelmingly caused by where you are, what you do, and what happens to you in life, rather than by what you are that is your genetic makeup. Environmental factors are more important than gene factors, smoking causes about 35 percent of cancer, while another 30 percent appear to be related to diet and another fraction caused by exposure to sunlight. Genetic factors play a part in prostate, c...