
Showing posts with the label sleep disorders


                             Sometimes one’s symptoms may indicate a serious sleep disorder. Chronic insomnia, which last more than a month, is often related to more serious problems, including depression. Chronic insomnia may also be a symptom of a serious physical ailment.                                                                          [A] SLEEP APNEA Ronaldo suffered from excessive daytime sleepiness. When he drove the family car, his wife had to watch him carefully, as he tended to lapse into momentary blackouts, which he rarely recalled. He snored loudly and irregularly every night and at times violently jerked himself awake, gasping for breath. Erratic, heavy apnea snoring is not to be confused with the occasional light, rhythmic snoring of many sleepers –the major detriment of which is that others in the same bedroom are kept awake. Ronaldo had the classic symptoms of sleep apnea. Apnea literally means “no breath.” An episode of sleep apnea may