
Showing posts with the label balance diet


The term “childhood obesity” refers to a medical condition that affects children and adolescents. Experts say that young people who are overweight have a 70 percent chance of being overweight as adults. Childhood obesity may be related to a number of factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, advertising campaigns directed at young people, and the availability and affordability of healthy foods. The U.S Centers for Disease Control says: “Childhood obesity is the result of eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity.” Children, adolescents, and adults would do well to take a close look at their eating habits. Without going to extremes, a few simple measures can make a difference. Consider, for example, a young man named Kris, who found that adjusting his eating habits brought enormous benefits to his health and welling-being. “At one time I was a junk-food junkie,” Kris admits. I spoke with Kris to find out how he changed. Question [1] WHEN DID YOUR PROBLEM WITH FOO...