
Showing posts with the label spiritual


             Matthew says Gadarenes. Mark and Luke say Gergesa is identified with the ruins now called Kerza [Kersa, Gergesa], Gadara is thought to have been further south, near the southeast corner of the sea, a large city that give its name to the surrounding country. Gerasa was the particular village near which the incident happened. It is about five miles from the Jordan entrance. Just south of it is the only place where the steep hills come close to the water.          Matthew says there are two demoniacs. Luke and Mark mention only one, probably because he was the more notable, and more violent, of the two, and spokesman. A dangerous, wild lunatic, of immense muscular strength, dwelling naked among the tombs and in the desert, mutilating himself, and screaming in pain.          There were many demons, legion, in the two, probably m...


        Many mysteries abound in Africa, many of them are unexplainable even with science advancement and technological greatness. Mysteries like ghost attack, reincarnation, witchcraft, nightmares, e.t.c. have been explained in many ways but the truth is that not one of the explanations is right. One of the amazing mystery is an unbelievable landscape in Namib Desert, what made it more amazing is the fact that is it physical that is you can see it, touch it, and feel it.         In an area of about 2,000-kilometer swath along the western edge of the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa, patches of barren, sandy soil three meters in diameter dot the landscape. Each patch is girded with a ring of tall grass. To some visitors the rings look like terrestrial chicken pox or splash marks made by giant raindrops. Local tradition has it that these circles possess magical powers. Some tribes believe that each circle surrou...