FAST FOOD FOR INSECTS Insect readily feast on quick high calorie food. A convenient source is a FLOWER HEAD. Like fast food chains, flowers advertise their presence with bright colors. Find the flowers attractive, insects alight on the flowers, where they can munch on the pollen or sip nectar. Being particularly sluggish after a cool night, these cold- blooded creations need the sun’s energy to get going. Many flowers offer the insects a complete package nutritious food and a place to bask in the sun. Let’s take a look at a familiar example. Scientists have discovered that the temperature on the surface of some flowers is several degrees warmer than the surroundings. THE OXEYE DAISY is a common flower that grows throughout much of Europe and N. America. It may not seem special, but if you take the time to inspect it, you will see a lot of activity. This oxeye daisy offers an ideal place for insects to start the day. The white petals reflect the sun’s warmth, and the yello...