
Showing posts with the label mystery


                                       Most of the problems are caused by lack of oxygen. Because the atmospheric pressure is lower the higher you go, at 2,000 meters above sea level, a given volume of air contains some 20 percent less oxygen, and at 4,000 meters, air contains 40 percent less oxygen. Lack of oxygen affects most of your bodily functions. Your muscles can do less work, your nervous system can take less stress, and your digestive system cannot handle fat as well. Normally when your body needs more oxygen, you automatically breathe more heavily and fill the need. Then why doesn’t this happen when you arrive at a high altitude? Just how your body controls your rate of breathing is a wonder that is not completely understood. But when you exert yourself, heavy breathing is not trigge...


                               Human behavior may slow down progress in the eradication of disease. For example, scientists believe that human-inflicted damaged to ecosystems has resulted in new, dangerous diseases. Since the mid-1970s, more than 30 new diseases have emerged, including AIDS, Ebola, Lyme disease and SARS. Most of these are believed to have moved from wild-life to human populations.        Additionally, people are eating less fresh fruits and vegetables and more sugar, salt and saturated fat. This together with a decrease in physical activity and other unhealthy habits has resulted in more cardiovascular diseases. Tobacco smoking is on the rise, causing serious health problems and death to millions globally. Every year some 20 million people sustain serious injuries or die as a result of automobile a...


                                           I understand how scarlet can differ from crimson because I know that the smell of an orange is not the smell of a grapefruit. I can also conceive that color have shades and guess what shades are. In smell and taste there are varieties not broad enough to be fundamental; so I call them shades…..The force of   association drives me to say that white is exalted and pure, green is exuberant, red is suggests love or shame or strength. Without the color or its equivalent, life to me would be dark, barren, a vast blackness.      Thus through an inner law of completeness my thoughts are not permitted to remain colorless. It strains my mind to separate color and sound from objects. Since my education began I have alwa...


                                                 Many mysteries abound in Africa; many of them are unexplainable even with science advancement and technological greatness. Mysteries like ghost attack, reincarnation, witchcraft, nightmares, e.t.c. have been explained in many ways but the truth is that not one of the explanations is right. One of the amazing mystery is an unbelievable landscape in Namib Desert, what made it more amazing is the fact that is it physical that is you can see it, touch it, and feel it.         In an area of about 2,000-kilometer swath along the western edge of the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa, patches of barren, sandy soil three meters in diameter dot the landscape. Each patch is girded w...


          In the west, the names like Michael Maier and Paracelsus appear over and over in the history of alchemy. In the lands of India and Tibet, the name Nagarjuna appears. There, and even further east, his name inspires the same thoughts as do Aristotle, Galen, and Aquinas in the west. Nagarjuna is honored as philosopher, mystic, physician, alchemist, and saint.        He was born around the year A.D.100 in southern India, in the area now known as Andhra. Like many early saints and mystics, details of his life are sketchy, many of them surrounded by mystery and legend. Perhaps this is even more the case with regard to India, because prior to the middle Ages, she had few historians. Consequently, many aspects of Nagarjuna’s life are still hotly debated in all the legends or not, one cannot doubt their impression on the minds of millions in Asia, even today.       ...