The identification of the lamb beast. It is the name of a man, or, possibly, a set of men, or, an institution headed by a man or set of men. A name, the letters of which, when regarded as numerals, total 666. In Hebrew, the numeral value of the letters of “Nero Caesar”, when added, make 666 [“Nero Caesar”, 616, marginal reading]. Nero was, indeed, a beast, but it is a far cry to call him a Lamb-Like beast. In Greek, [the book was written in Greek], the letters of “Lateinos” total 666: L, 30; A, 1; T, 300; E, 5; 1, 10; N, 50; O, 70; S, 200. Lateinos means “The Latin Kingdom”. It was so understood by Irenaeus, who was a pupil of Polycarp, who was a pupil of John, and bishop of Smyrna at th...