
Showing posts with the label skin the largest organ


   STRANGE DISEASES were attacking children at an orphanage. the doctors were puzzled. If you walked through the rooms you'd see these tiny tots gaze at you with a haunting stare. how odd they looked -more like shriveled up old men and women. You heard no laughter, no sounds of children at play. They were slow to learn to stand and walk. Deep moans and long sighs were common. They had little appetite for food, became ill and died easily. The puzzled doctors did not know what was wrong. Hence, they did not know what to do.  Then, some wise soul with a healthy mothering instinct made a suggestion. She suggested some teenage girls from the local high school be invited to visit the orphanage. She then instructed these girls to become intimate with the children. She told them to pick the babies up, caress them, pet them, and fondle them. As if by magic, a miracle was wrought. The fondling, petting  and caressing made a dramatic, healthy change in the children. It was so ...