It is said that Socrates was
guided by singular inspirations and thoughts which on a occasion took the form
of audible voices. When he was about forty years old he is supposed to have had
trance-like states in which he would maintain a standing posture for hours. 

He stood motionless from early
morning on one day until sunrise on the next through a whole night when there
was a very hard frost. Today this behavior would be considered a sign of
serious mental illness, and even in his own time Socrates came to be considered
a criminal.
Yet mystics through the ages have
related the inspirational experience of divine sights and sounds, and they
often undertook to open themselves to such experience in intensive and
sometimes prolonged periods of concentration and meditation.
Hallucinations are imaging of the
mind which has become fixed in intensity and interest. When that mental imaging
is under control, it can result in the most profound creative thinking. Are
hallucinations symptoms of the depths of mental illness, or are they the
creative frontier of consciousness?
With the advent of LSD [lysergic acid
diethylamide], the evocation of altered states of consciousness with
hallucinations –the so-called psychedelic experience –become a fad among the
youth of Western civilization and threatened to rupture the social fabric in
some areas of Western culture. While the acid craze has passed, the fad of the
psychedelic experience has taken root in a broader, worldwide quest for
expanded consciousness and awareness.
The quest is not without risk.
The shortcut provided by drugs –marijuana, cocaine and phencyclidine [PCP], to
name a few –now produce many psychiatric causalities, from mild, insidious
habituation up to the extreme of murder and mayhem.
In recognition of the source of
human consciousness, we must observe that it is not the substance which is the
cause of mental and physical hell. Rather, it is the ignorance of the
principles of self-mastery which bears such bitter fruit.
In the mystical tradition, human
consciousness is born of consciousness and proceeds through a process of
individualization and maturity. In this process, human consciousness has the
birthright and the potential to achieve divine fulfillment.
The nascent human consciousness,
or soul personality, is a unique, personal consciousness, which has before it
vast realms of experience and opportunity for self-realization. Through the
instrument of objective individuality, it explores, tests, and tries a universe
of physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences in the process of
individuation and maturation.
In imagination, an experience
having the characteristic of a sense perception –sight, sound, taste, touch,
and so forth –may be evoked by toxic conditions, tumors, and chemicals. The
subject cannot distinguish this experience from those evoked by natural sensory
processes, even though the experience may be quite bizarre.
The perception is experienced as
being real. In addition, hallucinations may be evoked by severe emotional and
physical stress.
Patients in mental hospitals
commonly describe hallucinatory experience in these words: “chemicals are being
poured over me,” “I hear my name being called,” “voices are telling me to do
things.” In one instance, a patient described voice directing him to stop his
criminal behavior. He admitted ignoring the voices and he was subsequently
arrested and incarcerated.
Some patients report the
hallucinations as having been very meaningful for them at the time. But in
retrospect they no longer recognize or appreciate the meaning. Some patients,
with apparent deliberateness, cultivate ongoing conversations and relationships
with voices, ignoring or even defying responsibility for their personal life in
ordinary reality. Some of these individuals abuse metaphysical teachings and
practices to achieve the artificial experience.
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