THE GAP BETWEEN MAN AND MONKEY

            A recent analysis of the DNA of chimpanzees and orangutans, as well as of certain monkeys and macaques, has revealed that their genetic makeup is not as similar to man’s as scientists once thought. Large difference in DNA, not small ones, separate apes and monkeys from both humans and each other. There are large deletions and insertions sprinkled throughout the chromosome, explains Kelly Frazer of Perlegen Sciences, the California, U.S.A., company that did the analysis. New Scientist characterized the difference as a yawning gap that divides monkeys and us.
           Some have theorized that an infinite number of monkeys pecking away on an infinite numbers of typewriters would eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare. So researchers at Plymouth University in England gave six monkeys one computer for a month. The monkeys failed to produce a single word. The six monkeys at Paignton Zoo in southeast England produced only five pages of text, primarily filled with a lot of s’s. At the end of the document, the monkeys typed a few j’s, a’s, f’s, and m’s. They also used the keyboard as their community toilet.  

                                                        ANTIVIRAL TEA

     Preliminary lab studies show that a wide variety of commercial teas appear to either inactivate or kill viruses, reports Reuters Health Information. Several types of green and black teas, regular and iced, were tested on several animals tissues infested with such viruses as herpes simplex 1 and 2 and the T1 [bacterial] virus. According to researcher Dr. Milton Schiffenbauer of Pace University in New York, iced tea or regular tea does destroy or inactivate the herpes virus within a few minutes. Similar results were obtained with the T1 virus. While it is not yet clear how tea interfere with the survival of these viruses, researchers found that even after substantially diluting the tea, it was still effective. Black tea was found to have a somewhat more potent antiviral effect than green tea.


        Why does it feel so good to laugh? Research shows that humor activities not only regions of the brain associated with perception and language but also the nucleus accumbens, a region that has been linked to happiness and euphoria,  this neutral region is a very powerful brain subsystem. Humor helps physicians to understand social behavior better. One’s sense of humour often dictates if , how, and with whom we establish friendships and even long-lasting romantic relationships. Humour also is a universal coping mechanism when faced with all varieties of stress.



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