[1]   WATER FOR TOURISTS: Many of the world’s resorts are struggling to cope with relentless waves of tourists, whose demands for ever more swimming pools and golf courses are sucking them dry. The issue is massive and global; sometimes you will see a village in Africa with a single tap, when each hotel has taps and showers in every room. A global conservative organization calculates that a tourist in Spain uses only 250 liters. An 18-hole golf course in a dry country can take as much water as a town of 10,000 people. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimate that the water that 100 tourists use in 55 days would grow enough rice to feed 100 villagers for 15 years.
     [2]   SMOKING HAZARDS: One in every 8 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers. Scientists based their finding on a study of 52,000 people who died from lung cancer. Additionally, long-standing research shows that toxic carbon monoxide and carcinogens are more prevalent in secondary smoke than smoke directly inhaled by smokers. In 1999 a government study in Japan involving 14,000 people found that 35 percent of those at work or at school was exposed to secondary smoke. Smoking should be aware they are harming non-smokers to such an extent a conscious effort should be made to separate the two group.
   [3]    MODERN SLAVE TRADE: At present, slavery is more common around the world than at any time human history, studies have shown that 27 million people now live as slaves, more than in the Roman Empire or at the height of the transatlantic slave trade. Although today’s methods of slavery may differ from 150 years ago, millions of people are controlled by another person using violence or the threat of violence and are paid absolutely nothing. The most common form of slavery today is contract slavery, where for a price; organized gangs arrange passage to another country with promise of a high-paying job. Once smuggled into a country, however, the workers are exploited by being forced to pay off their debt by performing menial work.
   [4]    EXERCISE CAN REDUCE DEPRESSION: For some patients, physical exercise may be more effective than a standard drug treatment for depression. For an instance, three groups of 50 people with major depression were given a different therapy for four months. One group took an antidepressant drug, another did exercise alone, and the third group did both. After four months, between 60 and 70 percent of the patients in all three groups were no longer clinically depressed. However, during a six-month follow-up, the patients assigned to exercise therapy were in better shape emotionally as well as physically; their lapse-rate was only eight percent. This compared with 38 percent for those who took  the drug and 31 percent for those who exercised and took the drug.
  [5]     DIALLING INTO DEBT: Australian youths as young as 18 are declaring themselves bankrupt because of soaring mobile phone bills. Influenced by aggressive advertising, and with easy access to credit, some youths have amassed mobile phones bills for thousands of dollars. Commenting on this rising trend among young people, some young people are now leaving school I debt, with a bad credit rating. That is just a tragic way to start out in life. The following suggestions are to help young ones avoid this debt trap: Make sure that you understand fully what your calls will cost. Consider using a prepaid mobile phone so that you cannot build up a bill. Try to use your phone in off-peak times to reduced charges.   


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