Imagine the anguish of a married
couple who desperately want to have a child yet because of infertility cannot.
They look to medical science for help and find that many techniques and therapies
have been developed to overcome infertility. Does it matter which one they
choose, if any.
Today infertile couples have
options that were not available just decades ago. But along with the choices
comes a serious question. What are the ethical and moral implications of
assisted reproductive techniques? Before we consider that, though, let us see
how various religious groups view such treatments.
which semen is introduced into the female reproductive organs by other than
natural means. AI is an option often tried before the procedures described
procedure that involves removing eggs from a woman’s ovary, combining them with
sperm, and using a LAPAROSCOPE [an instrument used for examining the abdominal
cavity to place the unfertilized eggs and sperm into the woman’s fallopian tube
through small incisions in her abdomen.
procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg.
involves removing eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them outside her
body. The resulting embryos are then transferred into her uterus through the
procedure in which eggs are collected from a woman’s ovary and fertilized
outside her body. A resulting fertilized egg is then inserted into her
fallopian tube through a small incision in her abdomen.
In 1987 the Catholic
Church issued a document that addressed the morality of infertility procedures.
The statement, known as DONUM VITAE [The Gift of Life], held that if a medical
technique assist the marriage act in achieving conception, such a treatment may
be viewed as moral.
On the other
hand, the document indicated that if a medical procedure replaces the marriage
act, such a treatment is morally wrong. According to this view, surgery to
correct tubal blockage and the use of fertility drugs would be considered
moral, but test-tube fertilization would be immoral.
The following
year a U.S. Congressional committee surveyed religious groups as to their stand
regarding fertility treatment. The final report showed that a majority of them
accepted traditional medical interventions, artificial insemination using the
husband’s sperm, and in vitro fertilization treatment, provided that both the
egg and the sperm belonged to the married couple.
Moreover, most
of the groups surveyed declared that the destruction of embryos, artificial
insemination by a doctor, and surrogate motherhood are mostly wrong. The
dictionary defines a surrogate mother as “a woman who becomes pregnant usually
by artificial insemination or surgical implantation of a fertilized egg for the
purpose of carrying the fetus to term for another woman.”
In 1997 the
European Ecumenical Commission for Church and Society [EECCS], a body of
Protestant, Anglican, and orthodox churches, indicated in a position paper that
in their ranks there are divided opinions on assisted reproduction.
Emphasizing that
individual conscience and personal responsibility are involved, the paper
stated: “The implication is that it is difficult to speak of ‘the’ position of
the member churches of EECCS. There is, rather, a plurality of position.”
It is evident that
opinions on assisted reproduction differ a lot. The UN World Health
Organization admits that the field of assisted reproductive techniques
“constantly challenges social norms, moral and ethical standards and legal
systems.” What are some factors that people should consider before making a
decision involving assisted reproduction?
HUMAN ERROR: In the United States, the Netherlands, and
Great Britain, fertility clinics have by mistake mixed up and embryos. In one
case a couple got twins of another race, and in another case a woman gave birth
to twins who were of two different races.
MULTIPLE BIRTHS: Studies have shown that multiple births –a
result of multiple embryos transferred into a womb –increase the chances of
premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and long-term disability.
BIRTH DEFECTS: According to one study, children conceived
through IN VITRO FERTILIZATION have an increased risk of birth defects, such as
heart or kidney problems, cleft palate, and undescended testicles.
MOTHERS’ HEALTH: Complications from hormonal treatment or a
multiple-fetus pregnancy increase the risks for mothers.
A basic factor
to consider is the status of a human embryo. This relates to the crucial
question, When does life begin –at conception or later on during pregnancy? The
answer would certainly affect the decision that many couples make regarding
If, for example,
they believe that life begins at conception, then there are some key questions
that must be considered.
Should the couple allow doctors to follow the
common procedure of fertilizing more eggs than the one or more being inserted,
thus, keeping a surplus stock of embryos for future use?
What would happen to such stored embryos if the
couple became unable or unwilling to have more children?
What would happen to any stored embryos if the
couple divorced or if one of them died?
Who would shoulder the weighty responsibility
for developing such embryos?
The issue of what is to be done
with unused or stored embryos cannot be dismissed lightly. Legal guidelines in
certain countries now demand that the couple present a written consent
specifying how the extra embryos should be handled –that is, if they should be
stored, donated, used for research, or allowed to perish.
Couples should be aware that in
certain places it is ethically acceptable for a fertility clinic to destroy
stored embryos without any written authorization if they have abandoned for
more than five years. Today, hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos are stored
at clinics worldwide.
Another factor to consider is
that couples may be urged to donate unused embryos for stem cell research. The
American Infertility Association, for example, has encouraged couples to make
their unused stored embryos available for research.
One purpose of stem cell research
is to find new ways of treating illnesses. But this field of research has been
a subject of much controversy because the process of extracting embryonic stem
cells essentially destroys the embryo.
New genetic technologies raise
yet other ethical issues. Consider, for example, preimplantation genetic
diagnosis [PGD]. This technique involves submitting embryos to genetic
screening and then selecting the one –perhaps of the desired gender or free of
a certain disease-causing gene –that is to be implanted into the uterus.
Critics warn that PGD could lead
to gender discrimination or that it might eventually be used to let couples
choose other genetic traits for their children, including hair or eye color.
PGD raises the ethical question, What happens to the embryos that are not
When considering certain forms of
fertility treatment, there is another aspect to consider. How would the use of
a surrogate mother or donated sperm or eggs affect the marriage bond? Some
techniques may introduce a third party [a donor] or even a fourth party [two
donors] or fifth party [two donors, and a surrogate mother] into the
childbearing process.
Regarding treatment that involves
donated genetic material, the parties involved need to consider other factors
1. What
long-term emotional effects may such a birth have on the parents when only one
of them –or neither –is the genetic parent?
2. How
will the son or daughter handle learning that his or her birth resulted from
such an unusual form of conception?
3. Should
the child be informed about his or her parentage and be allowed to look for the
biological father or mother?
4. What
are the moral and legal rights and obligations of the one or more individuals
who donated genetic material?
The policy in many countries is
to keep donors anonymous. The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority,
which regulates the use of human reproductive material in Britain, explains:
“Except where donation is intentionally between people known to each other,
current and past donors will remain anonymous to the couples treated with their
eggs or sperm, and to the children who may be born as a result of that
However, this policy of anonymity
is the subject of heated debate in some places. A few countries have changed
their policy or laws accordingly. Those who are against the policy of anonymity
emphasize that children must have a full sense of their identity.
A report says; “Over 80 per cent
of adopted people search for birth relatives, many of them to help satisfy the
long-standing curiosity about origins which most people share. Almost 70 per
cent want to identify important background information about possible
hereditary medical conditions of birth parents.”
Another report, based on
interviews with 16 adults conceived by donor insemination, revealed that “many
were shocked to discover their biological origins.” The report added: “Many of
the children faced problems with personal identity and feelings of abandonment.
There were feelings of deceit and mistrust towards the families.”
Medical science will no doubt
carry the development of assisted reproduction even further. Some predict that
in the future 30 percent of all babies born will be result of this technology.
The debate over the ethical and moral issues involved will continue.
Am Marilyn, thanks to Dr James who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr James recommendation onLine,of how he has helped numerous childless couples to have children with the help of his wonderful herbal medication, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me.within the space of two months, i became pregnant, I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other infertility issues, you can reach him through his email:
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