Everyone is likely to become impatient on occasion. But there may be serious consequences when bouts of impatience are an everyday occurrence.

                                                                                HEALTH RISKS:
For one thing, impatience is linked to frustration, irritation, and even anger. Such emotions can raise our stress level, which in turn can harm our health. A recent study published by the American Medical Association specifically pointed to impatience as a risk factor for hypertension, even among young adults.

 There are other problems associated with the lack of patience. A recent study revealed that impatience is linked to obesity. The researchers found that impatient individuals are more likely to be obese than people who are good at waiting. In some areas, inexpensive fast food is easily available at all times of the day, and many impatient people cannot resist the temptation.

                                                 ALCOHOL ABUSE AND VIOLENT:
Impatient people were more likely to drink alcohol heavily and were prone to violence.

Could it be that they feel compelled to postpone time-consuming tasks because they do not have the patience needed to bring the tasks to completion?

                                                   POOR JUDGMENT:
 Impatient people often make quick, shallow choices.

                                                 FINANCIAL WOES:
 Impatience led many thousands of ordinary people to seek to acquire properties of much higher value than their saving justified. They thus sought to borrow collectively immense sums that they could not hope to repay for many years –and, in some cases, ever.

                                                                               LOSS OF FRIENDS:
 Who wants to be with somebody who is tapping [his or her] toes all the time [or] looking at the watch all the time? Yes, impatience is not a very attractive quality. It will drive your friends away.

                                                                           HOW TO BE PATIENT;
 AFTER reading the preceding article, you will probably agree that the more patient you are, the more likely you are to enjoy better health, make better decisions, and have good friends. So how can you learn to be more patient? Consider the following recommendations. Identify the causes; things or situations that make you impatient have been called impatience triggers.

                                  WHAT TRIGGERS YOUR IMPATIENCE

Simplify your life; slow down and smell the roses, as the old adage says. Make time to enjoy life. Make time to establish deep friendships with few people, rather than pursuing shallow friendships with a huge network of people. Budget your time, and set your priorities wisely. Beware of time-wasting hobbies and gadgets.

Be realistic; have a realistic view of life. First of all, in real life, things do not always happen as fast as we wish. Accept the fact that the time moves at the speed of time and not at the speed of your expectations. That is patience.


I woke up one morning when I was 12 years old, remembers James sat on the edge of my bed, and wondered, is today the day I die. James was in the grip of major depression. Every day of my life, says James 30 years later. I have fought this emotional and mental illness. James felt so worthless when he was young that he tore up his childhood photographs. I didn’t even think I was worth remembering, he recalls.

More than just a spell of melancholy blues, clinical depression is a grave disturbance that often hinders a person from carrying out daily activities
Because we all contend with feelings of sadness occasionally, we could conclude that we understand what depression is all about. But how, does it feel to have clinical depression.

Although depression sometimes has an obvious trigger, it often intrudes on a person’s life without warning. Your life is suddenly darkened by a cloud of sadness for no apparent reason. Nobody you know has died, and nothing distressing has occurred. Yet, you feel dejected and listless. And nothing will make the cloud go away. You are overwhelmed by feelings of despair, and you don’t know why.

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet, Jon in Brazil felt ashamed to be diagnosed with depression. In fact, eight years later I still feel ashamed of myself, she admits. In particular, she finds it difficult to deal with her emotional anguish. The suffering is sometimes so intense, that I feel physical pain.

 All the muscles in my body hurt. At such times it is impossible to get out of bed. And then there are the times when Jon cannot stop crying. I sob with such intensity and become so exhausted, she says, that it feels as though my blood has stopped circulating.

There are a number of treatments for depression, varying according to the symptoms and the severity of the illness. Many people may be helped by their family physician, but some need more specialized treatment. The doctor might prescribe antidepressant medication or recommend some other form of assistance. Some people have experienced good results with herbal medications, dietary adjustments, or a controlled exercise program.

                                                    COMMON ISSUES

[1] Well-meaning friends with little or no medical training might try to tell you which method of treatment to accept and which to reject. They might also have strong opinions about whether you should take herbal medicine, prescribed medication, or nothing at all.

CONSIDER: Make sure that any advice you accept comes from a reliable source. In the end, you are the one who must make an informed choice.

[2] Discouragement may make patients discontinue their choice of treatment because they do not seem to be getting better or because of unpleasant side effects.

CONSIDER: There is a frustrating of plans where there is no confidential talk, but in the multitude of counselors there is accomplishment. A program of medical therapy is more likely to succeed if there is good communication between doctor and patient.

Frankly explain your concerns or describe your symptoms to your doctor, and ask whether you need to adjust the treatment or simply to persevere before you will begin to experience benefits.

[3] Overconfidence can make patients stop their medical remedy abruptly after a few weeks because they feel better. They may forget how debilitating their symptoms were before they started their medication.

CONSIDER: Suddenly terminating medical treatment without consulting a doctor can have serious and even life-threatening consequences.

                                          WHAT KIND OF DEPRESSION?

 The effectiveness of any particular medical approach depends on what type of depression a patient has.

MAJOR DEPRESSION has symptoms that are severe enough to last six months or longer if untreated and that impact on most aspects of a sufferer’s life.

BIPOLAR DISORDER is also known as maniac depression. Sufferers may experience emotional extremes that careen between prolonged episodes of intense hyperactivity [maniac] and devastating lows [depression].

DYSTHYMIA although not as disabling as major depression, has depressive symptoms that make it difficult for the patient to function normally. Some may also experience intermittent periods of major depression.

POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION is a debilitating emotional condition that affects many mothers after they give birth.

SEASONAL EFFECTIVE DISORDER likely occurs as a result of a lack of sunlight during autumn and winter. It usually clears up during spring and summer.      


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