A particularly tragic outcome of alcohol abuse
is its effect on the unborn. Alcohol is far worse for the developing fetus than
any other abuse drug. When a pregnant woman drinks, her developing child also
drinks, and the toxic effect of alcohol is especially devastating at this
formative stage of the fetus.
Alcohol causes irreversible
damage to its central nervous system. Neurons do not form properly. Cells are killed off. Other cells end
up located in the wrong place.
The result, fetal alcohol
syndrome [FAS], is the foremost cause of mental retardation in newborns.
Difficulties encountered by FAS children include intellectual impairment,
language problems, developmental delay, behavioral dysfunction or deficit, slow
growth, hyperactivity, and hearing and sight disorders. Many FAS babies are
also born with characteristic facial deformities.
In addition, children whose
mothers drank even moderate amount of alcohol during pregnancy can suffer from
certain disabilities, including behavioral problems and learning deficits. “You
don’t have to be an alcoholic to hurt your baby,” remarks Professor Ann
Streissguth, of the fetal alcohol and drug unit at the University of
Washington, “you just have to be drinking enough and pregnant.”
The report of the French National Institute of
Health and Medical Research Alcool –Effets sur la santé notes: The absorption
of alcohol is deleterious during the whole gestational period, and no minimal
dose has ever been established below which there are no risks.” Consequently,
the wisest course for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy may be not
to drink any alcohol at all.
Scientists suspect that chemicals
in red wine [polyphenols] inhibit a chemical that causes blood vessels to
Furthermore, alcohol in general
has been linked to increased levels of so-called good cholesterol. It also
reduces substances that can cause blood clots.
Any benefit from alcohol seem to
involve drinking small amounts spread throughout the week, rather than the
total amount all at once on a night out.
Exceeding two drinks per day is
linked to increases in blood pressure, and heavy drinking raises the risk of
stroke and can cause swelling of the heart as well as irregular heartbeat.
Immoderate drinking causes these and other health risks to outweigh any
positive effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system. Too much of a good
thing is precisely that –too much.
In a bid to find a treatment for
alcoholism, scientists have striven to understand the role that genes play in
its genesis and evolution. Scientists have since discovered several genes that
seem to influence one’s reaction to alcohol. However, genetic factors are not
the only ones in alcoholism.
Even if some people do have a
certain genetic predisposition, dependence is not inevitable. Environmental components
are involved. Poor parenting, alcohol abuse in the home or by peers, situations
involving conflict, emotional difficulties, depression, aggressiveness, thrill
seeking, high resistance to alcohol’s effects, or addition to another substance
have all been cited as risk factors. These and other element open the way for
Alcohol misuse is a multifaceted
problem that includes hazardous use, harmful use, and dependence. Hazardous
use, is defined by the World Health Organization, is “a pattern of alcohol
consumption carrying with it a risk of harmful consequences,” physical, mental,
or social. It includes drinking than the limits recommended by the health
authorities or imposed by the law.
Harmful use, also called alcohol
abuse, involves drinking that is already provoking either physical or mental
damage but has not yet led to dependence. Dependence has been described as “the
loss of control to abstain from drinking.” An alcohol-dependent person craves
alcohol, continues to drink despite various alcohol-induced problems, and
suffers from withdrawal in its absence.
No matter what your age, gender, or nationality, you are not free from
the risks of hazardous drinking. Just what does alcohol do to the body? What
are the health dangers of overdrinking? And what is generally considered a safe
level of alcohol consumption?
Ethanol, the chemical compound
present in most alcoholic drinks, is a neurotoxin –that is, a substance that can damage or destroy the
nervous system. Someone who is drunk is, in fact, suffering from a form of
poisoning. In large quantities ethanol causes coma and death.
For instance, among students in Japan, the
practice of ikkinomi, or alcohol chugging, causes deaths every year. The body
is able to convert ethanol into harmless substances, but this is not
accomplished immediately. If alcohol is consumed at a faster rate than the body
can handle it, ethanol builds up in the system and begins to interfere
noticeably with brain function. In what way?
Speech, vision,
coordination, thought, and behavior are all
connected with an incredibly complex series of chemical reactions in the
brain’s neurons, or key cells. The presence of ethanol modifies those
reactions, suppressing or enhancing the role of certain neurotransmitters
–chemicals that relay signals from neuron to neuron.
The stream of information in the
brain is thus altered, preventing the brain from functioning normally. That is
why when a person drinks too much, he or she develops slurred speech, blurred
vision, sluggish movement, and weakened behavioral restraints and inhibitions
–all common symptoms of intoxication.
With prolonged exposure to
alcohol, brain chemistry adapts to counter the poisonous effect of ethanol and
to maintain normal nerve function. This leads to tolerance, whereby the same
amount of alcohol has less of an effect than it would have had previously.
Dependence occurs when the brain
has adapted so much to the presence of alcohol that it cannot operate properly
without it. The body craves alcohol to maintain the chemical balance. When a
person is deprived of alcohol, his brain chemistry is totally destabilized and
withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, trembling, or even seizures, set in.
Besides causing modifications of
brain chemistry, alcohol abuse can lead to cell atrophy and destruction,
altering the brain’s very structure. While partial recovery is possible with
abstinence, some of this damage seems to be irreversible.
Neurons that die are apparently
never replaced, further affecting memory and other cognitive functions. Damage
to the brain is not just the result of long-term exposure to alcohol. Research
seems to indicate that even relatively short periods of alcohol abuse can be
The liver plays a vital role in
metabolizing food, combating infection, regulating blood flow, and removing
toxic substances, including alcohol, from the body. Prolonged exposure damages
the liver in three stages. During the first stage, the breaking down of ethanol
slows the digestion of fats, causing them to build up in the liver. This is
called steatohepatitis, or fatty liver.
In time, chronic inflammation of the liver, or
hepatitis, set in. While alcohol can cause hepatitis directly, it also appears
to lower the body’s resistance to hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. According
to a study in France, the risk of developing cirrhosis is twice as high in
patients infected with hepatitis C virus [HCV] who are heavy drinkers as it is
in HCV patients who are moderate drinkers.
It is recommended that HCV-positive
individuals drink very little alcohol or none at all. If unchecked,
inflammation causes cells to burst and die. Compounding this damage, alcohol
seems to trigger the natural system of programmed cell death called apoptosis.
The final stage is cirrhosis. The
vicious cycle of continuous inflammation and cell destruction causes
irreversible scarring. Eventually, the liver becomes lumpy, instead of
remaining spongy. Finally, scar tissue prevents blood from flowing normally,
leading to liver failure and death.
Alcohol’s effect on the liver has another
insidious side effect –the liver is less capable of playing its defensive role
in counteracting the effect of cancer-forming agents. In addition to favoring
the development of cancer of the liver, alcohol greatly increases the risk of
cancer of the mouth, the pharynx, the larynx, and the esophagus.
What is more, alcohol makes the
mucous membranes in the mouth more easily penetrated by cancerous substances in
tobacco, elevating the risk for smokers. Women who drink daily are at a greater
risk of breast cancer. According to one study, the risk for those who drank
three or more alcoholic beverages per day was 69 percent higher than that of
Women who are breast-feeding
should be aware that after they drink, alcohol builds up in their breast milk.
In fact, the concentration of alcohol in breast milk is often higher than in
blood, since there is more water in the milk to absorb the alcohol than there
is in blood.
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