The first puff of
cigarette could be enough to hook a young teenager into addiction. The
extraordinary findings upend the prevailing view about nicotine addiction being
a slowly acquired process that occurs only after several years of heavy
In a study of
1,200 teenagers over approximately six years, researchers found that physical
addiction is a much stronger force than peer pressure, even among those who
smoked only rarely, the paper said.
According to the study, nicotine
dependence symptoms appear in many young tobacco users between the first
exposure to nicotine and the onset of daily smoking. The researchers say that
antismoking campaigns should be adapted not only to help youths resist the
pressure to smoke but also to help those who have smoked to overcome nicotine
According to Valentina D’ Urso, a
psychology teacher at Padua University in Italy, rage is an ever-increasing
phenomenon in our society, but it produces negative effects on the organism.
Muscles tense,
heartbeat and breathing speed up, and the body enters into a state of stress.
Anger can also impair a person’s ability to reason and can lessen his control
over his actions.
Let’s get used to foreseeing risk
situations . . . let’s calmly say straight away I do not agree” and we will
live much better.
The Canadian
Medical Association recently surveyed 2,251 doctors across the country and
found that 45.7 percent were in an advanced phase of burnout, characterized by
emotional exhaustion, cynicism and feelings of ineffectiveness in their work.
According to Dr. Paul Farnan, coordinator
of the British Columbia Physician Support Program, factors that contribute to
stress for many doctors include the difficulty they have in finding
replacements to fill in when they want to take a vacation, an overly demanding
oncall schedule, and overwhelming paperwork. Dr. Farnan encourages doctors who
are stressed to find balance in their lives by spending time with their
families and to involve themselves with activities that provide emotional and
spiritual fulfillment.
Taking a long, hot shower or bath at the
end of the day is a ritual many people enjoy. However, meticulous cleansing
could be causing many skin problems.
People are showering too often for too
long and using the wrong types of products on their skin.
We all like to feel squeaky clean but in
fact, feeling squeaky clean means the skin has been damaged . . . People are
feeling good but doing harm. Why? Because overly zealous washing habits will
leave your skin stripped of natural oils, it protective barrier of
micro-organisms in disarray and the body’s largest organ prone to tiny cracks
and scarring. Dry winter weather is a time of particular concern. Andrews
recommends taking no more than one brief shower a day.
YOUR eyes are itching and watering, you
sneeze all day, your nose keeps dripping, and you have difficulty breathing.
What is happening? You might have a cold. But if these symptoms afflict you
when you are around pollen, you may well be suffering from hay fever. If so,
you have plenty of company. The number of people whose condition is diagnosed
as hay fever keeps rising every year.
HAY fever is nothing more than an
exaggerated reaction of our body toward a substance it considers harmful,
reports the magazine Mujer de Hoy. The immune system of people with allergies
rejects all agents it considers foreign –including pollen –even though these
are not really dangerous. And when the immune system overreacts in this way, it
causes the annoying symptoms described at the outset.
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