

       Many amazing and mysterious things happen around us undetected, many of which are considered surprising and worth being mentioned and discussed. Among the most common amazing things that happen around us are;                                            [1]         MALE DEPRESSION          One of the oldest things about depression is the lingering myth that it is mostly a female disorder from which real men are genetically protected. Specialists say depression remains hidden in men because men visit health professionals less often than women, with less opportunity to talk about their problems and they are less able to articulate emotional distress. So doctors are more familiar with symptoms that are common in female victims of depression. In women depression has a notably different constellation of symptoms than in men. What are some of the symptoms common in male depression? Anger, fatigue, irritability, aggression, a drop in work performance, and a tendency for the s

MYSTERIOUS IMHOTEP: god of healing

         Considered one of the earliest great talents of history, Imhotep has been called the Leonardo da Vinci of the ancient world. One of his many accomplishments was designing and building the Zoser pyramid in 3000 B.C. The only scale model in the United States of his pyramid is on display in the Egyptian Museum.             Imhotep was also known as a great astronomer, architect, and medical doctor. As author of several books, he wrote extensively on all these subjects. Imhotep introduced –magnificent stone architecture, which suddenly appeared on the plateau at Sakkara, replacing the wood and brick buildings of earlier times.             Imhotep was celebrated in his own lifetime. After his death he was venerated until it was said that he was the son of the god Ptah. In the New Kingdom he was worshipped as the god of healing and medicine, as his tremendous power for healing the sick was well known. His chapel at Sakkara becomes a sanitorium to which cripples from all


                                       Is positive thought a psychological stimulus or a mental sedation? When a person crisis arises, the phrase “Hold a positive thought,” is commonly suggested to those involved. Have these words become just a cliché, or have they practical value?          Holding a positive thought is usually defined by the average practitioner as thinking of the opposite state. In other words, if a prevailing condition, or circumstances, is believed to be malevolent or adverse, it is then declared to be negative. By “negative” is meant that it negates, opposes, or interferes with some goal, objective, or state which is desired. Consequently, the opposite, the positive thought, is the wish and the image of the preferred condition.      But is this pleasing mental picture going to provide the necessary or desired result? Will the mere thought of a wanted improvement or the dissolution of a situation actually bring it about? Positive thinking which does not


                                          It was July, 1799, the invading army of Napoleon was digging in for a long stay, after its conquest of Egypt. One of the sites selected for fortification was the Old Mameluke ruins of Fort Rashid in the delta region of the Nile. The foundations were to be extended, and a new Fort Julian erected on them. Nearby, at Rosetta, a branch of the Nile could be used for bringing in supplies from the Meditterranean. As the French soldiers dug, they came across a black basalt stone that seemed quite unusual in that three different styles of writing were carved into the surface; the Rosetta Stone.             Key to the Egyptian language. The ancient Egyptian language was Hieroglyphic [picture writing, a symbol for each word]. By 800 B.C. a simpler form of writing came into use, called “Demotic” [nearer alphabetic], and continued as the popular language till Roman times. And then both went out of use, and were forgotten. So these ancient inscript


            Many of the archaeological discoveries, made in recent years by those who have been digging in the ruins of Biblical cities, are records plainer than if written in a book. These records coincide exactly with biblical narratives. Piece by piece the Old Testament is being confirmed, supplemented and illustrated. Even those things which seemed most like a MYTH are being shown to have been factual.           Narratives that are susceptible to proof are being proved. Does not that enhance the trustworthiness of the Bible as a whole? And make it easier for us to rely on all that the Bible says? Even its wondrous promises, both for this life, and that to come.            The most important single statement in the Bible is that CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. This is the thing for which the whole Bible was written, apart from which life would mean nothing. It is the basis of our hope of Resurrection and Eternal.          Is it not refreshing to know that the book which is