It was July, 1799, the invading army of
Napoleon was digging in for a long stay, after its conquest of Egypt. One of
the sites selected for fortification was the Old Mameluke ruins of Fort Rashid
in the delta region of the Nile. The foundations were to be extended, and a new
Fort Julian erected on them. Nearby, at Rosetta, a branch of the Nile could be
used for bringing in supplies from the Meditterranean. As the French soldiers
dug, they came across a black basalt stone that seemed quite unusual in that
three different styles of writing were carved into the surface; the Rosetta
Key to the Egyptian language. The
ancient Egyptian language was Hieroglyphic [picture writing, a symbol for each
word]. By 800 B.C. a simpler form of writing came into use, called “Demotic”
[nearer alphabetic], and continued as the popular language till Roman times.
And then both went out of use, and were forgotten. So these ancient inscriptions
were unintelligible until the key to their translation was found. This was the
Rosetta Stone. It was found by M. Boussard, one of the French scholars who
accompanied Napoleon to Egypt, in 1799, at a town on the westernmost mouth of
the Nile called ROSETTA. It is now in the British Museum. It is black granite,
about 4 ft long, 2 ½ ft wide and 1 ft thick, with three inscriptions, one above
the other, in Greek, Egyptian Demotic, and Egyptian Hieroglyphic. The Greek was
known. It was a decree of Ptolemy V [Epiphanes], made about 200 B.C, in the
three languages which were then used throughout the land, to be set up in
various cities. A French scholar named Champollion, after four years [1818-1822]
of painstaking and patient labor in comparing the known values of the Greek
letters with the unknown Egyptian characters, succeeded in unraveling the
mysteries of the ancient Egyptian language.
Thus the Rosetta Stone and the
Behistun Rock have proved to be the doors through which modern man has discovered
the lost world of his early days.
For a thousand years before the days
of Moses the literary profession had been an important one not only in
Babylonia but also in Egypt. Everything of importance was recorded. In Egypt it
was on stone, leather and papyrus. Leather was used as early as the 4th
dynasty. The exploits of Thothmes 111 [1500 B.C] in Palestine were recorded on
rolls of very fine vellum. Papyrus was used as early as 2700B.C. But records on
stone were most durable; and every Pharaoh had carved on his palace walls and
monuments the annals of his reign. There were vast libraries of state
documents; and monuments galore covered with exquisite inscriptions.
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