
Showing posts with the label amazing


                                             Nature’s creatures often exhibit impulses of self-assertion and competition. But all through life’s vast range, these instincts are balanced by another kind of drive. Nature does not implant in her children just the single message: Take care of yourself. Ancient and universal, there is a second injunction: Get together. It is as vital as the breath of life.       Every creature has a need for companionship as biologically important as food and drink. Testing tadpoles, zoologists have found that even these humble creatures are so deeply influenced by social need that a solitary tadpole can regenerate an injured part of the body only slowly, but if it given the dimly sensed comradeship of fellow tadpoles its healing powers speed up almost miraculously. University of Chicago scientists have discovered that when mice are raised in contact with fellow mice they grow faster than mice reared on an identical diet in isolation.      Anima


         [1]    WATER FOR TOURISTS : Many of the world’s resorts are struggling to cope with relentless waves of tourists, whose demands for ever more swimming pools and golf courses are sucking them dry. The issue is massive and global; sometimes you will see a village in Africa with a single tap, when each hotel has taps and showers in every room. A global conservative organization calculates that a tourist in Spain uses only 250 liters. An 18-hole golf course in a dry country can take as much water as a town of 10,000 people. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimate that the water that 100 tourists use in 55 days would grow enough rice to feed 100 villagers for 15 years.      [2]    SMOKING HAZARDS : One in every 8 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers. Scientists based their finding on a study of 52,000 people who died from lung cancer. Additionally, long-standing research shows that toxic carbon monoxide and carcinogens are more prevalent in secondary


           A good liar will look in the eye and speak in a strong, clear voice. Do not expect manifestations of “the Pinocchio syndrome” in a good liar, that is, blinking, stammering, gulping, and the like.           The best liars are sociopaths, people without a conscience. Polygraph and voice-stress analyzer tests are useless with them. Emotional and unsophisticated people, on the other hand, can “flunk” a polygraph test and still have told the truth. Anxiety and anger can cause the wrong kinds of blips on the graph and be interpreted as lies.       Screening your prospective employees by making them take the “lie detector” test is not a terribly good idea. Nor is the test effective for internal investigations.     Some people are born liars, with a pathological compulsion to subvert the truth. Given enough time, these people invariably reveal themselves. Be wary of people who talk too much; this is frequently a symptom of the compulsive liar. A poor liar will repeat c


        Have you ever heard of the Greek mathematician and astronomer Eratosthenes? His name is probably best known among astronomers. Why do they think so highly of him?           Eratosthenes was born about 276 B.C.E. and received some of his education in Athens, Greece. He spent a good part of his life, however, in Alexandria, Egypt, which at that time was under Greek rule. In about 200 B.C.E., Eratosthenes set out to determine the dimensions of the earth by using a simple stick. ‘Impossible!’ you may say. How did he do it?         In the city of Syene [now called Aswan], Eratosthenes observed that at noon on the first day of summer, the sun was directly overhead. He knew this because there was no shadow cast when the sunlight reached the bottom of deep wells. However, at noon on the same day in the city of Alexandria, which was located 5,000 stadia to the north of Syene, a shadow could be observed. That gave Eratosthenes an idea.       Eratosthenes set up a gnomon, a simp


                                                                      The starfish and their relatives form a peculiar phylum of animals. Nearly all of them have some kind of spines on their bodies.   They also have organs that are found in no other animals .         Starfish and their relatives have an amazing ability to grow new parts. You can cut off an arm and the fish will soon grow a new one. You can cut the animal in two and it will soon become two starfish.       The structure of the starfish; a starfish has no head. It has a circle of arms that come together at the center of the body. At this center there is a stomach that opens through a small mouth on the underside. There are many short spines all over the body.        Inside the animal is a body cavity that extends out into the arms. The liquid in this cavity is mostly sea-water. This liquid carries dissolved foods and oxygen around the body.       A starfish moves on tube feet. There are hundreds of thes


        Many mysteries abound in Africa, many of them are unexplainable even with science advancement and technological greatness. Mysteries like ghost attack, reincarnation, witchcraft, nightmares, e.t.c. have been explained in many ways but the truth is that not one of the explanations is right. One of the amazing mystery is an unbelievable landscape in Namib Desert, what made it more amazing is the fact that is it physical that is you can see it, touch it, and feel it.         In an area of about 2,000-kilometer swath along the western edge of the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa, patches of barren, sandy soil three meters in diameter dot the landscape. Each patch is girded with a ring of tall grass. To some visitors the rings look like terrestrial chicken pox or splash marks made by giant raindrops. Local tradition has it that these circles possess magical powers. Some tribes believe that each circle surrounds the grave of a bushman who died in one of the many conflicts