
During the past several centuries much has been said, but little has been understood, about the art of dowsing. The objective of this article is to offer a rational, albeit rudimentary, hypothesis for the mechanism by which dowsing might work, and, from this vantage point, to suggest some practical applications and voice some timely cautious regarding possible undesirable consequences of its use.

                                                       THE SCIENCE OF DOWSING

Notwithstanding the scientific establishment’s vehement ridicule of “water witching” and other forms of dowsing, the fact that these techniques work is attested to by their sustained and widespread use by police departments, other governmental agencies, institutions, and private individuals. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly evident that ancient man relied on dowsing to guide many kinds of activity.

Though the number of persons proficient in the art of dowsing is appreciable, and the diversity of applications ranges from use by MEDICAL doctors for diagnosis to use by plumbers for locating hidden pipes, none seem to have any significant insight into its mode of operation.

The opinion of dowsing almost universally expressed by modern investigators is that the object sought –water, oil, gold, a lost person, etc. –radiates an electromagnetic signals of some presently unidentified nature.

Numerous observations are incompatible with this hypothesis. Among the objections is the fact that the hypothesized radiation does not obey the fundamental inverse square law with respect to distance. Neither has time any noticeable effect, and, curiously, future events can be predicted quite as well as past happenings can be recalled.

A map used in map dowsing can hardly be imagined to emit a radiation peculiar to water or to the whereabouts of a missing person. Finally, intangible ideas, such as dates, or the value of a stock price one month in the future, cannot be imagined to radiate a tangible electromagnetic energy similar to light or x-rays.

From the viewpoint of mysticism, the rather obvious mechanism by which dowsing might operate is accessing the Akashic Records in a controlled manner. The importance of “in a controlled manner” cannot be overstressed for the simple reason that objective intellect would be totally overwhelmed if it were barraged by the totality of knowledge –future as well as past.

Amplifying this thought, it appears that the normal, objective, intellectually rational state of consciousness automatically provides a shield isolating it from the overwhelming ocean of cosmic knowledge necessarily embodied in the Akashic Records.

The essence of dowsing, therefore, appears to be a two-step process. The first step is bringing one’s consciousness to a near balance between the objective and subjective states, yet remaining slightly on the objective side. The second step is opening a selective “window” into the Akashic Records through which only the desired information will pass.

In practical terms, one first turns down the objective consciousness by ridding it of strong, distracting ideation, such as how to pay the rent, or how to persuade a teenage son or daughter to be rational. When objectivity has been subdued, the second step is to will the desired information by holding in the mind an explicit, unambiguous image of the thing or information sought. Vocalization is unnecessary and for some people can be a distraction.

Personal experience, as well as that of other dowsers, emphasizes the fact that information in the Akashic Records, and hence potentially available through dowsing, is absolute. This is the reason for the imperative necessity of being explicit in the information sought.

As an example, to illustrate this point it is noteworthy that beginning dowsers, searching for the place to drill a domestic well, have been known to simply visualize water while dowsing. When the well was sunk at the indicated place, the resulting water was undrinkable, laden with dissolved minerals. Hence the experienced water dowser asks for clear, clean, potable water in the desired amount


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