

                              “I cut my wrists so bad I had to get stitches. At the time, I told the doctor that I cut myself on a light bulb, which was true –I just didn’t mention that I’d done it on purpose.” -Cecil, 23. “My parents have noticed my cuts, but only the ones that aren’t so bad and look like scrapes… Sometimes they’ll see one they don’t recognize, so I make up an excuse… I don’t want them to know.”-Kris, 13. “I had been a self-injurer since I was 11. I knew of God’s high regard for the human body, but even this did not deter me.”-Jenny, 20. You might be familiar with someone like Cecil, Kris, or Jenny. It could be a schoolmate. It could be a sibling. It could be you. In the United States alone, it is estimated that millions of people –many of them youths –deliberately hurt themselves by various means such as cutting, burning, bruising, or scraping their skin. Deliberately hurting themselves? In the past many would link such behavior

BREAST CANCER: What To Hope, How To Cope.

                           BREAST CANCER: What To Hope, How To Cope. Rita had none of the classic risk factors. She was 40 years old, healthy, and had no family history of breast cancer. Her regular mammogram had shown nothing abnormal. But one day while examining her breast in the shower, she felt a lump. It turned out to be cancer. Rita and her husband sat numbly while the doctor explained her options. In times past, a doctor would tell a woman with breast cancer that her only hope lay in a radical mastectomy –a disfiguring operation that removed the breast, lymph nodes in the chest and armpit, and chest muscles. Chemotherapy or radiation treatments often prolonged the ordeal. Understandably, many dreaded the ‘cure’ more than the disease. The battle against breast cancer has been an going struggle between the need to treat a killer aggressively and the desire to avoid needless disfigurement and painful side effects. Like Rita, today’s breast cancer patients may


     The nine-month wait is finally over, and the baby so longed for is about to be born. The expectant mother’s cervix has remained firmly shut, keeping the fetus safely in the womb. But now her cervix thins, softens, and relaxes. The miracle of birth begins.     What is behind the marvelous process of childbirth? Of the several factors involved, two are especially amazing. First, OXYTOCIN , a hormone produced in the brain, is released. Both men and women produce this substance, but a great quantity of it is released in the pregnant mother when labor begins, causing the cervix to dilate and the uterus to contract.        Just how the pituitary gland of the expectant mother knows when to begin releasing this hormones is a mystery. The book incredible Voyage- Exploring the Human Body states: somehow her brain senses that gestation is complete and that it is time for the powerful uterine muscles … to take on their brief but heroic job.        A second factor involve


                               NOW the whole truth of the matter is that not only is the nerve energy in the human body electrical, but it is like unto electrical energy of the kind we know in connection with all other electrical manifestations.   In other words, it is composed of a negative and positive polarity and is a result of the relationship of a negative and positive stress attempting to coordinate themselves in a proper flow through a given channel. Therefore, the manifestation of this nerve energy is an alternating manifestation, consisting of phases of rest and action, or inactivity and activity, causing an undulating impulse of such rapid beat or at such a rapid rate as to seem to be a continuous and uninterrupted flow. I have said that science acknowledges this electrical nature of the nerve energy, and yet I must say that such acknowledgment is of only recent date, and was thoroughly presented only a few years ago in some very complete text books on