

                                                         The sun is the greatest source of energy you can think of and it can also be a source of great concern to the health of an individual. It is also a vital ingredient in beauty tips.               Cancer is overwhelmingly caused by where you are, what you do, and what happens to you in life, rather than by what you are that is your genetic makeup. Environmental factors are more important than gene factors, smoking causes about 35 percent of cancer, while another 30 percent appear to be related to diet and another fraction caused by exposure to sunlight. Genetic factors play a part in prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer, even if you have a family history of cancer what you do with your life is much more important.               Vitamin D is needed for absorption of calcium so that the mineral can take its place in bone and shore up the skeleton against fractures. 90 percent of our vitamin D is made in our skin upon ex


                                                 The word “prosthesis” refers to an artificial substitute that replaces a lost limb or body part. Prosthetics is the field of knowledge relating to prostheses. A prosthetist is a person skilled in prosthetics and practicing its application.           The first step in manufacturing an artificial limb is fitting a sleeve to patient’s healed stump . A plaster cast is then made, from which an exact duplicate of the stump can be formed. The model is then used to build a socket into which the new limb is fitted. So begins the journey on the road to producing a fully functional limb to replace the one lost. A newer, more efficient fitting technique is the use of CAD/CAM programs to measure the stump. Then a machine carves out an exact replica of the person’s remnant limb.        The hydraulic knee joint fitted to a thermoplastic socket that can be heat-molded and reshaped for the patient’s comfort. Comprehensive illustrated catalo


         The sun; a giant, glowing ball of gas some 850,000 miles in diameter . The temperature at its surface is over 11,000 F ., hot enough to vaporize any material known to man. Deep within the sun, the temperature rises to over twenty million degrees, a heat we cannot begin to imagine or comprehend.             The sun dominates our solar system, containing more than 99% of the system’s matter. The sun is a thousand times as massive as Jupiter, the largest planet, and 335 , 000 times as massive as the earth. And if the sun were hollow, 1,300,000 earths could be fitted inside!            In short, the sun is immense; it is the unquestioned center of the solar system.            And yet, when compared with other stars, the sun is nothing more than average. There are stars a dozen times as massive as the sun, and others but a tenth as large. There are stars that outshine our sun 50,000 times over, and others just a hundredth as bright.             In fact, the sun i


                                                      There has been no mystery which has intrigued man’s mind more than that of creation. How and even why did all things, the whole world, come into existence? Was it through spontaneous means, or was it predetermined? If it was spontaneous, was there a previously created contributing substance? To cite chaos as the spring from which the world came forth simply precipitates the question as to whether chaos had a quality in itself. If it had, then what was its origin?         If one accepts the alternative, that is, the concept of a predetermined reason, he enters the realm of teleology, or mind as the motivating force of creation. This assumes that creation was a primary idea, an objective to be attained; that it was predetermined.        This conception engenders the idea of an embodied mind residing in a thinking, reasoning entity. The only parallel we have for such a mental capacity is the human mind. Therefore, it is quit


              Diatoms, microscopic algae that encase themselves in ornate, exquisitely patterned glass shells, are found in prolific numbers in every ocean on earth. They have fascinated scientists for centuries –in fact, ever since the microscope was first invented and men could sketch their beauty. Justifiably, the diatom is called the jewel of the sea.              Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite in the 1860’s, used silica from diatoms to stabilize nitroglycerin, which enabled him to form portable sticks of the explosive . Fossilized diatom shells are used commercially in many ways today –for example, to illuminate road paint, purify wine, and filter swimming pool water.            Far more important, though, is the fact that these tiny one-celled plants account for one fourth of the photosynthesis on our planet. Researchers Allen Milligan and Francois Morel, of Princeton University, U.S.A., have found that silica in the diatom’s glass shell causes chemical changes