
Showing posts from December, 2016


      This priceless Egyptian false door carved out of stone, from the tomb of venerable Hanout, dates from the twelfth dynasty [2000-1788 BC.].       The first Mastabas [tombs in the ground] of the old kingdom had no rooms within them and only a false door in the East side. The dead, dwelling in the West behind the door, might enter again into the world of the living at will. This false door was finally elaborated into a kind of chapel-chamber in the mass of the masonry.       Throughout the years, false doors were changed to the west wall of the chamber so that the deceased, when looking out of the false door, would be facing the valley where the offerings were brought.       This door represented a symbolic entrance and exit which “Ba” or soul of the deceased could use to reappear from the beyond in order to make away the offerings placed in the tombs by survivors. Anothe...


                                      DÉJÀ VU gives us the feeling we have experienced an event before, even though this may seem to be an impossibility. Thus, the feeling of familiarity accompanying déjà vu is often unexpected and inexplicable, leading many people to wonder if their déjà vu experiences are psychic, physiological, or both.          A number of mechanisms have been advanced to account for the déjà vu experience. Because psychic experiences of many kinds have been associated with déjà vu, it has often been suggested that déjà vu itself is a psychic experience. In this regard, déjà vu has been reported to be the result of reincarnation memories, subconscious memories of dream projections or out-of-body –experiences, subconscious memories of precog...


                                Robert Frost, in the last verse of “The Road Not Taken”                                          “I shall be telling this with a sigh                                            Somewhere ages and ages hence:                                ...


        Many mysteries abound in Africa, many of them are unexplainable even with science advancement and technological greatness. Mysteries like ghost attack, reincarnation, witchcraft, nightmares, e.t.c. have been explained in many ways but the truth is that not one of the explanations is right. One of the amazing mystery is an unbelievable landscape in Namib Desert, what made it more amazing is the fact that is it physical that is you can see it, touch it, and feel it.         In an area of about 2,000-kilometer swath along the western edge of the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa, patches of barren, sandy soil three meters in diameter dot the landscape. Each patch is girded with a ring of tall grass. To some visitors the rings look like terrestrial chicken pox or splash marks made by giant raindrops. Local tradition has it that these circles possess magical powers. Some tribes believe that each circle surrou...


                                     Genetically modified crops are banned in most European and North America countries and are not grown in these areas. But in Africa the opposite is what is happening, genetically modified crops are found everywhere in Africa. What are the dangers in genetically modified crops? What can be done about it?    Biotechnology has moved at such a dizzying pace that neither the law nor regulating agencies can keep up with it. Research can scarcely begin to prevent unforeseen consequences from arising. A growing chorus of critics warn of unintended results, ranging from severe economic dislocation for the world’s farmers to environmental destruction and threats to human health. Researchers warn that there are no long-term, large-scale tests to prove the safety of geneti...