

MS is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the central nervous system [CNS], which is the brain and spinal cord. Many physicians believe that MS is an autoimmune disease. This term refers to a group of diseases in which the immune system goes awry and attacks certain tissues of the body. The cause of MS is unknown, but viral infection has been considered as a possible triggering factor. The end result, it seems, is that components of the immune system target the myelin sheath covering the nerve fibers of the CNS, leaving plaques or lesions on the myelin, which is an important fatty substance. Indeed, the name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple patches of scar tissues appearing on the nerve fibers. Myelin shields certain nerve fibers, providing a form of electrical insulation. So when myelin breaks down, electrical impulses may be completely blocked, or they may short-circuit to adjacent nerves, producing an abnormal impulse. And because damage can occur anywhere in the CNS, no t...


POWER OF INTERNAL HEALING MEDICINE INTERNAL HEALING MEDICINE CAN we overcome stress? If we can, should we? Today psych physiologists are beginning to formulate models showing that stress, anxiety, and depression influence the body to create or aggravate mental and physical disorders. Greater stress and anxiety tend to degenerate the physical body and depress oneā€™s mental outlook on the world. Are there ways to reverse this process of physic al degeneration while maximizing the condition under which positive attitudes, beliefs, and life-style changes can heal the afflicted body and mind? The basic assumption at the root of current research is that there is both a psychological and a physical component to all disease. Another common assumption is that individual is able to exercise a marked degree of will power in the development, aggravation, and alleviation of these disorders. From these assumptions one might conclude that a personal psychology or philosophy may have a pronounced effec...


DƉJƀ VU gives us the feeling we have experienced an event before, even though this may seem to be an impossibility. Thus, the feeling of familiarity accompanying dĆ©jĆ  vu is often unexpected and inexplicable, leading many people to wonder if their dĆ©jĆ  vu experiences are psychic, physiological, or both. A number of mechanisms have been advanced to account for the dĆ©jĆ  vu experience. Because psychic experiences of many kinds have been associated with dĆ©jĆ  vu, it has often been suggested that dĆ©jĆ  vu itself is a psychic experience. In this regard, dĆ©jĆ  vu has been reported to be the result of reincarnation memories, subconscious memories of dream projections or out-of-body ā€“experiences, subconscious memories of precognitive dreams, and clairvoyance. A higher frequency of dĆ©jĆ  vu experiences have been reported for those who meditate frequently. Another proposed mechanism for dĆ©jĆ  vu is that of biochemically encoded ancestral memories. This concept states that memories bui...


RUSSIAN BLINI The French have their CREPES, the Scots their BANNOCK, and the Americans their FLAPJACKS. So it comes as no surprise that Russians have their own version of the PANCAKE ā€“the BLIN, which is a staple with a long history. The ancient Slavs used blini for food sacrifices in their pagan rituals and saw in blini an appropriate symbol of round, warm, golden sun. Women who had recently given birth were fed blini. These were also served at weddings and at funerals, so they figured in peoplesā€™ lives from birth to death. Russians today usually make blini with wheat flour, but other flours can also be used. RECIPE FOR BUCKWHEAT BLINI INGREDIENTS 120 grams buckwheat flour 120 grams wheat flour 20 grams butter, melted 2 eggs 720 milliliters or so of milk 30 grams sugar Pinch of salt PREPARATION: Mix buckwheat flour with 240 milliliters of milk. Heat another 240 milliliters of milk, and add it to the batter,...


ā€œPrior to my nose operation, I suffered a lot because of teasing. I did not want a nose that was special, just one that suited me. I am very happy with the result, and I would do same thing all over again.ā€-Elea.ā€ ā€œWhy should I submit to standardized ideas of good looks? With surgically altered body parts. I would feel like fake money. Not genuine.ā€-Matthew. ā€œEveryone must decide for himself or herself. It is very difficult for someone else to judge.ā€-Imma ā€œWhoever is prettier than I am must be wearing makeup.ā€ In Germany, that humorous saying has long served as a sort of defense for people who worry that their looks are less than perfect. In some lands nowadays, though, the saying might well be updated to: ā€œWhoever is prettier than I am must have gone under knife.ā€ Indeed, cosmetic surgery is becoming commonplace. ā€œThe days are over when cosmetic surgery was reserved for the rich,ā€ reports the Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung, adding: ā€œTwo trends have emerged: More and more me...


AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE AND BLOOD MS is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the central nervous system [CNS], which is the brain and spinal cord. Many physicians believe that MS is an autoimmune disease. This term refers to a group of diseases in which the immune system goes awry and attacks certain tissues of the body. The cause of MS is unknown, but viral infection has been considered as a possible triggering factor. The end result, it seems, is that components of the immune system target the myelin sheath covering the nerve fibers of the CNS, leaving plaques or lesions on the myelin, which is an important fatty substance. Indeed, the name multiple sclerosis refers to the multiple patches of scar tissues appearing on the nerve fibers. Myelin shields certain nerve fibers, providing a form of electrical insulation. So when myelin breaks down, electrical impulses may be completely blocked, or they may short-circuit to adjacent nerves, producing an abnormal impulse. And because damage can o...


I do think about it [the consequences of taking steroids]ā€¦But like, itā€™s what I want now.ā€-John, a weight lifter. Are you happy with your appearance? Would you like to have the muscular body of a star athlete or the lean figure of a top model? Do you take sports seriously and want to improve your strength and speed? If you answered yes to any of the above, then you may be tempted to take some of the pills or portions that your peers promise will help you to achieve your goals more quickly. The journal American Academy of Family Physicians states: ā€œApproximately 1 million adolescents [in the United States] between the ages of 12 and 17 years have taken potentially dangerous performance-enhancing supplements and drugs.ā€ The most popular performance-boosting drugs are known as ANABOLIC STEROIDS. What are they? Why do people take them? And how can you resist their appeal? GIVING NATURE A BOOST ā€œAnabolic steroids,ā€ explains a report f...